Short-Term Benefits

First Iteration


You purchase a calling list and add records from your internal databases, like leads from advertising and trade shows.  We can purchase the calling list to your specifications if you like.

We call these records and qualify them according to whether you think they will be profitable for you (qualified);  whether they have problems you solve (pre-lead);  and whether they have agreed to look into your solution (lead).

The ultimate lead is an appointment, which can be in-person or on-the-phone.  Sometimes we are able to move all the way from cold-call to appointment in a single call.  Your sales people meet new prospects and spend their time concentrating on applying your solution to their problem. 

Besides setting appointments, we can drive leads to your website, generate literature requests, and increase trade show face-to-face by calling in advance to invite prospects to your booth. 

Quantify These Benefits