Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do you handle complicated and or technical products and services?
  2. Can we get the same thing done internally for less money?
  3. Is our company too big or too little for your service?
  4. Can we edit the list beforehand in order to delete current customers?
  5. Where do you get the lists and how do you determine the types of companies to target?
  6. Do I have to buy a minimum number of records?
  7. What are SIC codes?
  8. Could we recommend and combine types of SIC codes?
  9. Do you re-call records if you don't make contact the first time?
  10. What details will you provide about each lead?
  11. Who do you target when you call?
  12. Who will determine questions to be asked by the caller?
  13. Will you provide references?
  14. What territory or area will you target?
  15. How quickly will we receive a "hot" lead?
  16. How many contacts do you make?

How do you handle complicated and or technical products and services?

We don't get into the nitty-gritty of your product offering.  All we do is find people with the problems you solve.  You make the sale, not us.  We go through lists of names...reducing them to only those interested in working with you either now or in the future.  If it would be a benefit to you to know exactly who is now having problems you solve, click here.

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Can we get the same thing done internally for less money?

Cost is always an issue when finding new customers.  You might be able to do this internally for less money.  But not calling at all is the most costly option.  Some try to get their sales or customer service people to call.  Neither option works because these people just don't do it...they hate cold calling.  We have a group of people who love talking to new people every day.  It's free to talk to our rep, would you like to do that?  If you would like to contact us to get more information about our services, click here.

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Is our company too big or too little for your service?

Our automation does put some limits on what is practical.  You need to have at least 1,500 businesses with which you would like to better communicate, but the size of your company makes no difference.  We have helped a wide variety of companies from "one person shops" to Fortune's 500 companies.  We can help a company whether they have a sales force or not.  We systematically generate qualified sales leads.  If you or someone on your staff does it, time is taken away from other tasks that take more technical skills.  If you want to contact us about making your sales effort more productive, click here.

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Can we edit the list beforehand in order to delete current customers?

You can edit the list.  We will provide it in alphabetical order by company name either on a disk or an email attachment.  We will also provide instructions how to delete records without destroying the file's formatting.  If you want to contact us to get more information about editing lists, click here.

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Where do you get the lists and how do you determine the types of companies to target?

We buy lists from a list broker.  You determine what companies to target by type (SIC codes), company size (number of employees or sales volume), and geographic area.  If you have tried to define a list in the past with unsatisfactory results or would like more information on this topic, contact us by clicking here.

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Do I have to buy a minimum number of records?

You can buy lists of any size.  However, per-record costs are on a steeply declining scale.  It is normally not cost-effective to buy less than 2,500 which cost about $350.  If you would like to contact us to find out more about records, click here.

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What are SIC codes?

SIC codes were developed by OSHA during the 1930's to classify all businesses in the United States according to what they sell.  We use SIC's to guess what a company might buy.  For example, if you are selling cream and sugar, you probably want to contact coffee shops.  The list company we deal with has added a two-digit suffix onto the SIC because our economy has changed dramatically since the '30s and a more discriminating code was needed.  If you want more information about our company, click here.

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Could we recommend and combine types of SIC codes?

You can specify any combination of SIC codes, geographies, and company sizes and combine them into a single list to determine the price bracket.  The only restriction is that all records have to come from our supplier's business-to-business list as opposed to mixing with the consumer list.  If you want to contact us to find out more, click here.

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Do you re-call records if you don't make contact the first time?

We call back everyone who, in the telemarketer's judgment, should be re-called. We make a reasonable number of attempts to contact records.  If you want more information, click here to contact us. 

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What details will you provide about each lead?

We will provide any information you want on a lead.  Our standard is name, address, phone number, hotbutton, appointment time, and any interesting tidbits that the telemarketer thinks might be helpful.  If you would like to get more information about leads, click here.

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Who do you target when you call?


The individual target within a record is up to you.  We can target engineering, manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, administration, or anyone else in the organization you designate.  If we do not know who to contact at a particular record, we start at the top.  If you would like to contact us to find out more about who we target when we call, click here.


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Who will determine questions to be asked by the caller?


Scripting, objection responses, and frequently asked questions are all determined through a two to four hour consultation with whomever deemed appropriate at your company and our script writer.  If you would like to know more about questions asked by the caller, click here to contact us.


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Will you provide references?


We do not provide references to casual inquiries.  We will gladly provide references to people who want to use our services.  In general, since our services are customized for each client, our references will not be able to estimate the effectiveness of a project in any particular case but they can say whether we are a legitimate company.  If you need more information on this topic, click here to contact us.


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What territory or area will you target?


Our computer controls allow us to target just about whatever geographic markets our clients want.  We have worked with county, state, ZIP code and telephone area code territory designations.  We will call anywhere in the contiguous 48 states with no surcharge.  If you want to contact us to get more information on the areas that we target, click here.


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How quickly will we receive a "hot" lead?


Our telemarketers are trained to drop everything and immediately call our clients with leads who want to talk to someone immediately.  That happens once in a while, but normally any appointments or literature requests are routinely passed on at the end of the time allotted for the week, which makes all leads less than two days old, and the majority of them only hours old.  If you want to know more, click here to contact us.


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How many contacts do you make?


We normally make five to ten contacts per hour.  It usually takes 25 to 40 dials per hour to make this happen.  These contact numbers vary greatly from project-to-project.  They also depend on company size, the level of interest by the respondent, and the number of questions in the qualifying routine.  The complexity of the sales presentation is also a factor.  If you would like more information on how many contacts we make per hour, click here to contact us.


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Copyright © 2001  [Sales Builders, Inc.]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 06/10/09.