
We provide call reports every two weeks.  Here is a sample. 




ACME Industries, Inc.

Telemarketing Report

Last week through this week, this year



1 No interest/need 89 23.9 192:43
2 Likes competitor 7 1.9 32:55
4 Send literature/email 7 1.9 125:42
6 Not available at moment 228 61.1 406:38
7 Appointment 3 0.8 82:22
10 Outside line busy 7 1.9 2:26
11 Internal line busy 10 2.7 8:18
12 Out of service 4 1.1 1:22
15 Take off list 1 0.3 1:45
17 Stay in touch 5 1.3 34:38
20 Voice mail 12 3.1 48:09
TOTAL   373 100.0 936:58


Notes on program:  We operated at 97.6% on-phone percentage.  This is well above our guaranteed 85%.


We generated 10 leads in this 16-hour time period.  That's within our normal one lead every one-to-two-hour standard.


We appreciate your business.


Thank you.


Jim Haemer


Sales Builders, Inc.

Today's date





* This report should not be construed as a guarantee of results.  While we make every effort to provide positive services for our customers, there are too many variables to allow blanket guarantees.