Modern Prospecting

Building market share through database marketing

             July 2010              



Gearing up for the (maybe) recovery


For a few companies, the long-awaited recovery has arrived.  If your company is experiencing a recovery, pat yourself on the back.  You've made it through an extended period of very tough times. 


For the majority of companies, though, the elusive recovery is persistently receding into the future.  Orders get a little better for a couple of weeks.  Then they fall back off the same cliff.  This is scary stuff.



Use our services to hedge your bet


Hard times present great opportunities for those who catch the wave early, before all the competitors jump in.  History has shown that if you are one of these risk takers, you'll experience a smoother, easier, and more profitable ride back to prosperity.


The most profitable time to make contact with prospects is early in the recovery.  If you beat your competitors to the punch, you'll get sales that have gone to others in the past. 


What if this isn't the recovery?


Gearing up for battle takes a large investment in training, technology, and management resources.  If you jump in and it isn't really a recovery, you can't sustain the effort and will have made a bad situation worse


If that happens, not only are your sales below healthy levels, your fixed costs have climbed, squeezing already tight margins. 


Is this confusing situation holding you back?

Reduce your risk


If you think it's too risky to jump on your market right now, but are worried you're being left behind, we have a solution.  We can't do anything about gearing up non-sales and marketing staff, but we can help you build your sales while minimizing your exposure to expensive, long-term sales and marketing commitments.


Before your competitors get to the prospects, hire our company to find businesses in your target market you want to deal with.  For those you want as customers, we will develop, in consultation with you, a brief, but hard-hitting sales presentation to generate leads for your sales and marketing staff to follow up.


Build your sales, not your fixed overhead


With us on your side forecasting is easier.  Only after you have some of the "A" leads, and you have a good indication of when the "cooler" leads are going to buy do you invest in permanent personnel and technology necessary to grow your business.


Our on-phone database building team has made hundreds of thousands of contacts on behalf of customers.  They know how to do it.  I have the broad experience necessary to build programs our team can effectively execute.


Short-term commitment under $5,000


We don't add fixed overhead.  Our minimum initial 13-week program costs less than $5,000.  If, after 13 weeks, you choose to continue, the next 13 are less.


Call today.


High share



Sales Builders, Inc.

2411 Maplewood Drive

Plover WI  54467




Modern Prospectingä is a quarterly publication of Sales Builders, Inc.  Published in Plover, Wisconsin.  Volume 17, number 3.  ã 2010, all rights reserved.