Quarterly Reports

We have quarterly conferences backed up by database characteristics that may help mine non-obvious opportunities.

We use this information to see if we might be able to restrict the list by company size, type, or geographic area. 

For example.  Assume we are working to market widgets to printers, banks, contractors, and museums.  It is not likely all of the markets are equally attractive.  You can improve the results, other things being equal, by restricting the calls to the market with the highest percent qualified.

A quarterly analysis might be:


Printers 31 218 14.2
Banks 9 156 5.7
Contractors 112 406 27.6
Schools 11 73 15.1
TOTAL 163 853 19.1%

This shows that the results could be improved almost 45% by restricting the calls to contractors.  That restriction would be implemented only with your approval. 

If this general discussion is not detailed enough, feel free to contact us for information that might be more relevant to your situation.